Denver & Rio Grande LEGACY H7 2-8-8-2 #3605
In need of larger power but strappedwith smaller tunnels the Chesapeakeand Ohio ordered a relatively novelgroup of 25 simple-expansion2-8-8-2 locomotives from Alco in1923. Compound Mallet locomotiveswhich used steam exhausted fromthe first pair of pistons to power asecond were nothing new on theC&O or elsewhere. But using steamdirectly from the boiler to power allfour pistons had only been tried afew times - and not on a productionlocomotive.The single expansion offered morepower and reduced the size of thelarge pistons needed in a Mallet. Butit also required a larger boiler toproduce enough steam for what wasessentially two steam locomotives.Keeping this within tight clearanceslead to the locomotives’ otherdistinctive feature - a smokeboxcrowded with appliances like airpumps feedwater heater and eventhe bell which couldn’t fit anywhereelse and make it through a tunnel intact.It became a C&O standard on manylocomotives for years to come.Although Alco called them“Chesapeakes” crews knew themas “Simple Simons” and they weregenerally well liked. Baldwindelivered 20 more in 1926. One areathe original H-7s had come up lackingwas tender capacity. The new unitsarrived with 16000 gallon Vanderbilttenders to help quench the thirsty boilers.Later even larger tenders were added tomost units. But Simons’ rule on the mountainwas cut short by the arrival of even larger2-10-4 and 2-6-6-6 Alleghenies in the1930s and 40s. In 1943 three were soldto the RF&P for service on Potomac Yard’shump. Union Pacific picked up 30 in 1945.Some were rebuilt others were retiredretaining most of their C&O look. Those thatremained on the C&O mostly found theirway into hump yard service as well - sportingmuch smaller tenders again.After nearly a decade’s absence from ourcatalog Lionel is bringing back the SimpleSimons! Available in new road numberspaint schemes and tender variations this isalso the first release of these locomotiveswith Bluetooth control whistle steam and allof our latest LEGACY upgrades! In additionto multiple C&O variations depicting theclass from 1926 to the 1950s as well as RF&Pand Union Pacific a Rio Grande versionrepresents a different yet strikingly similarclass on that mountain road.
LEGACY® Control System equipped – able to run in LEGACY® Control mode in TrainMaster Command Control mode or in Conventional mode with a standard transformer Bluetooth® Control - Operate with Universal Remote or LionChief® AppLionel Voice Control (LVC) - run your locomotive by speaking commands into your phone via LionChief® AppOdyssey® II Speed ControlIR Transmitter that works with LCS SensorTrack™Whistle SteamRoad-specific DetailsPowerful maintenance-free motor with momentum flywheelWireless Tether™ connection between locomotive and tender ElectroCoupler™ on rear of tenderDirectional lighting including operating headlight and back-up light on rear of tenderBicolor illuminated classification lights on the front of locomotive where applicable. Using a Legacy controller change the color of the classification lights between white or greenTraction tiresInterior illumination in cabDie-cast metal locomotive body pilot and trucksDie-cast metal tender body and trucksHigh level of separately applied metal detailsSeparately applied builder’s plateSynchronized fan-driven smoke unitAdjustable smoke outputAuthentically detailed cab interiorCab “glass” windowsEngineer and fireman figuresLEGACY® RailSounds® sound system featuring:CrewTalk™ dialog with different scenarios depending on whether the locomotive is in motion or stoppedTrainSounds that mimic operating dialog when the locomotive is in motion or stoppedSix official railroad speeds with CrewTalk dialogDynaChuff™ synchronized with 32 levels of intensity as the locomotive gains speedLEGACY® “Real-Time Quilling Whistle” control with instant response for realistic signature “quilling” and correctly timed warning signals - 5 different whistles to choose from for a more customized experience.Single hit or continuous mechanical bell sounds - 5 levels of bell pitching for customized soundsSequence Control: plays the sound effects of an entire trip including warning sounds and announcements based on the movement and speed of the locomotiveCurrent speed and fuel dialog coal or oil loading sound effects
Brand: Lionel
Road Name: Denver & Rio Grande
Road #: 3605
Gauge: OGauge