Baltimore & Ohio LEGACY 2-8-8-2 #7150
Back after a long hiatus from thecatalog and with new road name anddetail variations the LEGACY 2-8-8-2is one of the finest models Lionel hasever produced in S Scale. Stunninglydetailed from pilot to tender theselocomotives give you the look andpower of a big locomotive but arestill operable on tight curves andsmall layouts. And now we’ve madeit even better adding our popularwhistle steam feature to American Flyerfor the first time!Based on the USRA standard 2-8-8-2 design which was itself largelyderived from the Norfolk & Western’sY-3 these locomotives saw serviceon railroads across the country somesecond-handedly in later years. Wellsuited to heavy drag hauls in themountains the 2-8-8-2s could beseen in other roles and environmentsas well.Many of the road names offered inthis release are based on the earlyUSRA designs including the distinctiveand smaller USRA tender.
Legacy ControlLegacy RailsoundsWhistle SteamDirectional LED headlightClassification lightsFirebox flicker and ashpan glowCab lightDie-cast tender and locomotive bodyFan-driven smokeElectrocouplerDCC-equipped
Brand: Lionel
Road Name: Baltimore & Ohio
Road #: 7150
Gauge: S-GauseGauge
Min Curve: R20
Dimensions: Length: 21 1/2
Most Recent Catelog: 2022 AF